Digital infrastructure for a more sustainable model of music streaming.

Check out our artist interviews!

We recently sat down with Lazerbeak, Dessa, and N3ptune & Rusty Steve for interviews about music streaming, labor, and recorded music economics. Check them out below!

Watch On Youtube

Thank you Boise!

We recently were a producing partner at the 2023
Cascadia Music Summit, our largest public-facing
event yet. Click below to see what we got up to!
Event Archive

Take a Look at Our
Artist Interviews

We recently sat down with Dessa, SYM1, Mayyadda, and others for interviews about royalty rates, labor, and independent music under the current system of music streaming.

Check Out Our 2022-
2023 annual report

Take a look at what we accomplished this past year.
Read Now

Creating a More sustainable model of music streaming

Campfire Music Foundation is a registered 501c(3) not-for-profit charitable organization founded to build a new model of music streaming economics that pays artists more fairly and transparently for their recorded music. Our mission is to reduce issues of labor insecurity in the music industry through public-benefit digital infrastructure projects that foster long-term economic sustainability for working musicians, independent stakeholders, and local music communities.

We're building a platform that pays out more to rights-holders through a nonprofit, user-centric royalty model. We believe that artists should be able to generate a livable income from their recorded music and we're starting a movement to turn that belief into a reality.

Learn MoreGet In Touch

Thank you Boise!

We were recently a producing partner at the 2023 Cascadia Music Summit - our largest public facing event to date. Click below to check out the event archive and see what we got up to!

Event Archive